Here are the answers to some commonly asked questions for Pure Bowl VR.
- Does the game support free movement?
- Yes, it has teleport, twin-stick free walk, and “arm-swing” movement modes and both snap and smooth turning.
- What do the various gameplay options do?
- Boost slow balls – adds a speed boost to balls bowled by the player, which has most effect on slow balls. Useful when the tracking setup or bowling style results in balls which seem too slow. Recommended setting: Off
- Tracking smoothing – performs smoothing on the hand tracking data to remove noise and jitters. Suggested for everyone, but especially useful for inside-out tracking headsets like Quest. Recommended setting: On
- Realistic ball speed – prevents balls from moving unrealistically quickly. Recommended setting: On
- All balls are max weight – makes all balls 16 lbs, otherwise a variety of weights will appear.
- Visual aim guide – draws glowing chevrons on the ground under a held ball, showing the direction of travel if it’s released. Useful to help beginners and help optimise your tracking environment.
- Aim-assist – adds a slight aim-assist to the release of the bowled ball to help beginners or people with poor tracking setups. Does not change the ball physics once it is released. Recommended setting: Off
- Auto-hook – automatically adds spin as the ball is released, based on launch angle. Does not change the ball physics after release. Recommended setting: Off